Thursday 8 March 2007

Endangered Species

For all its faults (including close proximity to a major motorway interchange) GCNY does quite well for wildife. As well as the ubiquitous water fowl (who take great enjoyment from sh*tting on the greens while we hit into the lakes) we've spotted the occasional deer and many green woodpeckers. In times gone by we've even had a scoring system, a bit like those old I-Spy books, which we've used to bolster our Stableford scores.
It goes a bit like this:
rabbit or squirrel - 1 point
woodpecker - 2 points
cowslips or bluebells - 2 points
lady golfer - 3 points
Apparently there are actually four lady members at the moment, i.e. ourselves and two others, but it's no good. I still feel like a member of an endangered species!

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